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Applebees Queso Blanco Recipe
by Stephanie Manley

Applebees Queso Blanco is a favorite appetizer of so many. This white queso recipe is smooth, creamy, and has just that little bit of spice.

White Queso dips, or queso blanco may at first seem like a mystery, I promise, it isn’t. A quick trip to the deli and you will be in the queso making business. I don’t know why, but white queso seems to be very perplexing. Many of the cheese sauces you find in restaurants have American cheese as their base. Before you recoil in horror consider that American cheese has its place. Quite honestly it does a fantastic job of melting, and making cheese sauces. You may not have known it comes in the very familiar yellow variety, but it also comes in the white variety, and it is the base of these cheese sauce.

What makes this copycat recipe special is that we are using fresh onions, jalapenos, and tomatoes to give this queso its added flavor. Nothing is canned, but this queso has its spice from fresh jalapenos. When working with them you may want to wear some gloves, they can burn your fingers. If you like your queso hot you can add more chopped jalapenos. You could also not seed them and get a little more of that spice.

I served this recipe up with some corn chips, but honestly I think this queso would taste great spooned over enchiladas, or even served over a fresh chimichanga. When serving queso at a party I like to put mine in a Fondue Pot. This way the queso stays nice and warm the whole time.

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Applebees Queso Blanco

Make your copycat recipe for Applebees Queso Blanco, you will love how easy and how tasty it is to make this queso.



In a medium sized pot over low - medium heat add vegetable oil, 1 1/2 tablespoons chopped jalapeno pepper and white onion. Saute onion and peppers until the onion becomes translucent. Chop cheese into large pieces, add all cheeses and half and half. Reduce heat to low and stir the cheese so it melts.

About Stephanie

I recreate your favorite restaurant recipes, so you can prepare these dishes at home. I help you cook dinner, and serve up dishes you know your family will love. You can find most of the ingredients for all of the recipes in your local grocery store.

Stephanie is the author of's Dining Out in the Home, and's Dining Out in the Home 2.