This is a print preview of "Aloo Methi Subzi | Potato Fenugreek Leaves Curry" recipe.

Aloo Methi Subzi | Potato Fenugreek Leaves Curry Recipe
by Radhika

As you all know cooking fenugreek be it either the seeds or the greens are very tricky. The nutrient packed leaves may turn the entire dish tasting bitter if not handled properly. After packing tomato methi pulao to my kids, I had been trying various dishes with the methi leaves and this subzi / dry curry was also a hit with the kids.

Usually I pressure cook the potatoes and crumble them before adding it to any dry curries but this time took the time cube them finely and the result was just so good and the resultant dish looked impressive as well.

What more do you need as I packed this as an accompaniment for rice for the lunch time and served the same thing with rotis for dinner. Cool right. Another wonderful side dish to be treasured and enjoyed that also happens to be packed with carbs and fibre.

You can also wrap this in rotis and pack as lunch for the kids and I’m sure they would love you for it. Just make sure you clean the fenugreek leaves well under running water before using it in the curry. This recipe is adapted from Tarla Dalal and I’m so glad I did.

Aloo Methi Subzi

Prep Time: 10 Minutes

Cook Time: 10-12 Minutes

Total Time: 20 Minutes

Serves: 4



1. Wash and peel the skin of potatoes. Dice finely. Chop the onions, green chillies, garlic and ginger finely. Clean, wash and chop the fenugreek leaves and keep aside.

2. Heat a pan with oil. Add cumin seeds, when they crackle, add onions, green chillies, ginger, garlic and sauté on medium flame for 2 minutes.

3. Now add the fenugreek leaves and sauté on low flame for another 2 minutes.

4. Now add the turmeric and coriander powder and mix. Add diced potatoes and sprinkle a hand full of water. Mix well and close with a lid. Cook on low flame for 5-7 minutes or till the water has evaporated and the curry is dry.

5. Serve hot with rice or rotis as an accompaniment.


Do not add more than enough water to the curry else the potatoes might become mushy.

Instead of dicing them, you can save time by pressure cooking the potatoes in advance and add after crumbling them.

Instead of green chillies, red chilli powder can be added but the color will change.

For a tangy taste just add a few drops of lemon juice in the end after taking off fire and mix well.