This is a print preview of "Almost Homemade Ice Cream Recipe" recipe.

Almost Homemade Ice Cream Recipe Recipe
by Kara Cook

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If you haven't checked out my giveaway over at Crap I've Made, you'd better get on over there! There's only a couple of days left. And I'd love for one of my readers to win, that would just be cool!

Alright, enough chit chat. Here's a recipe to start your week off. If you are looking for a super easy ice cream recipe, this is it. I grew up loving this totally refreshing and delicious summer treat. It has a similar taste and texture to homemade ice cream, but without the work. You don't even need an ice cream maker. It is sooooo yummy! We like it best with both types of berries, but you can use two bags of the same kind if you like. This makes a large batch, so it is perfect for having friends over. And of course it tastes better when you are sitting out on your deck relaxing.

Combine all ingredients in a LARGE plastic bowl. Stir well until mixed. (I find that a potato masher works great at smoothing the lumps in the ice cream.) Return to freezer and freeze for 2-3 hours. Remove from freezer about 20 minutes before serving.