This is a print preview of "Adhraki dum aloo- simple yet delicious" recipe.

Adhraki dum aloo- simple yet delicious Recipe
by Sowmya


Adhraki dum aloo- simple yet delicious

Being in India was so much fun. I enjoyed meeting and visiting friends. I got to learn new dishes from them which I promptly noted down to be put in my blog. One was baafle which I have already shared with you all and has been the most viewed recipe in Creative saga. There are many more recipes to tried and tasted yet.This particular recipe, which I was quite eager to try out is adhraki dum aloo. I had this at a friend's place for dinner. I was quite amazed by the simplicity of the dish. The recipe involves only a few ingredients and is so simple to make and the outcome is too good. I especially loved the taste of ginger which is the key ingredient of the recipe.



Pressure cook the potatoes till soft. Heat 1tbsp of oil in a pan. Add the boiled potatoes. Let the oil coat well on them and fry till golden brown. Keep aside.

Heat 1tsp of oil in a pan. Add the cumin and fennel seeds and then then the ginger. Saute for a minute. Add rest of the spices along with the curd. Cook in low flame till the spices combines with the curd and thickens and then add the processed potatoes. Mix well so that the potatoes combines with the gravy properly. Cook for few more minutes and remove from flame.

Serve with rotis.