This is a print preview of "Adam’s Italian Lemon Cream Cake" recipe.

Adam’s Italian Lemon Cream Cake Recipe
by Adam Janowski

Adam’s Italian Lemon Cream Cake

I got the idea to make a lemon cream cak after having a piece of Italian Limoncello Cake at Bruno’s of Brooklyn Italian Eatery restaurant in downtown Fort Myers. If you haven’t been there yet, I highly recommend it. I don’t normally cook with alcohol so had to find a substitute. The Dickinson’s Lemon Curd worked nicely. If I had the time, I would search out a recipe for lemon curd on the Internet and make it from scratch, but Dickinson’s is very nice and it certainly is a timesaver.

Rating: 5/5
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Prep time: United States American
Cook time: Servings: 12


  • 1 15.25-ounce box Betty Crocker Super Moist Lemon Cake Mix
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup oil
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
  • 1 10-ounce jar of Dickinson’s Lemon Curd (or you can make your own)
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 2 good sized tablespoons of confectioners’ sugar (sweeten to your preferred taste)
  • 1 8-ounce container of mascarpone cream cheese
  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoons lemon flavoring
  • Canned whipping cream
  • Jelly lemon candy pieces (Optional—found on


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Grease and flour 3 9-inch baking pans or use a baking spray with flour. If you only have 2 pans, will have to reserve some batter and re-use one baking pan.
  3. Prepare cake mix as directed adding 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest to the ingredients. Divide 3 equal portions and spread in cake pans. Bake approximately 15 to 20 minutes until lightly browned. Do not overbake!
  4. Remove from oven and allow to cool on rack for at least 10 minutes. Using a cookie sheet or big plate lined with parchment paper, flip the cake over and out of the baking pans. Allow to cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for about an hour until chilled and firm.
  5. When cool, spread about a 1/3 of a cup of the lemon curd on each cake layer.
  6. Whip the cream until it starts to come to soft peaks.
  7. Add confectioners’ sugar, lemon flavoring and mascarpone, and continue to beat until hard peaks form. Do not overbeat.
  8. You have a couple of options at this point. You can spread the cream equally on top of the lemon curd on the bottom and middle layers which is what I do, or you can reserve some of the cream and frost the sides of the cake with the reserved cream.
  9. Put in refrigerator and chill about 4 hours or overnight before serving. This cake keeps well in the refrigerator.
  10. Cut into serving size slices and place slices on their side. Spritz some canned whipping cream on each slice, then garnish with a piece of optional lemon jelly candy.
  11. This cake is very rich so small slices will go far.